Happy New Year 2025 everyone!
My sister noticed it was 11:11 so we quickly embraced, and then she wished for all of my wishes to come true. That is the perfect sentiment for a numerological 9 year.
9 is about others. It is the wise grandparent energy concluding the cycle. It has been there, done that, got the t-shirt. It now turns its attention beyond the self to the all… and the all within each self. It desires the best for everyone. It knows the ups and downs of numbers 1-8 and is highly compassionate as a result.
2025 is a time to consolidate our learning from the last 8 years. But before we graduate from this cycle, we may well be collectively tested on what we’ve learned since 2017. Sometimes the final part of the journey is the most arduous, calling on the skills acquired and lessons learned to get us across the finish line. But 9 has the highest perspective and with perspective comes growth … and aha! moments.
With 9 as our teacher this year, we’ll be tested on our collective sense of compassion and maturity. (N.B. this is a collective 9 year. Though the individual makes up the whole, this is about the collective experience of 9. We each have our own personal 9-year cycles according to our birth date.) Are we able to forgive and let go of insignificant differences? Are we focusing on what we wish to collectively create for the next 9-year cycle, given our experiences from this one, and do we need to release anything first? 9 is the number of healing and in order to heal, old wounds may first present themselves. This year is an opportunity to release defunct energies that have run their course. What lessons might resurface this year? Did we ‘get it’? Did we really get it? Now’s the time for patience, perspective and penny dropping moments. Any straggling lessons will carry over into the next 9-year cycle.
A 9 year gives us the opportunity to come together, forgive, and see the bigger picture – as a collective. We are in a collective 9 year and 9 in itself is themed around the collective. What matters most to us all? New Year’s resolutions often focus on what we want. 9 would ask, what do we all want for each other? And not to forget, 9 is an ambitious number, so we can be ambitious with our intentions.
We are midway into the 2020s, a decade of building new structures, and this is a pivotal year for the direction we take. With the ‘5’ featuring in 2025, the energy should feel like a refreshing gust of wind (as we’ve experienced today here in the south of the UK) stirring things up, showing us where there is waste ready to be destroyed or excess energy ripe to be redistributed. It might feel like an uninterrupted chain of change. 9 is a reflective energy, but given the nature of 5 involved, there may be little time to dwell on any one event.
Next year is a 1 year. 1 can be about oneself or it can be about oneness. Which ego-led structures need to change this year to benefit humanity? 9 is concerned with the impact of activities on others and the environment. It is not driven by money for money’s sake. It is the number of charity – how are charities being run? 9 is the number of giving, but is the energy being used wisely and efficiently? Is it filling a bucket (such as institutions) with holes or is it seeking to seal the holes?
9 can also be idealistic, rather than realistic. How can we marry the two? We are all bonded in this story. That doesn’t mean to say we’ll take the same path, but we will be affected by each other’s choices and decisions. 9 isn’t a judgmental energy, but it does see it all – dark and light. There is freedom in witnessing multiple perspectives.
And finally, as we reach a conclusion to the story of this cycle, as we see the whole picture, we can use the 9 energy to help us appreciate that it is just that – a story – and to find the humour in our humanness and all the anecdotes we write in.
Happy 2025 everyone. May all your wishes come true.